Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend Round up: Mostly Work, Some Play

Went to an Indian restaurant had butter chicken and palak paneer with garlic naan bread, mmmmm. It was so delicious, I nearly ate myself into a coma! Afterwards we went to go see Terminator Salvation which I enjoyed. Now I know that all the critics are pretty much split on whether or not this was a good movie but I think those who didn't like it were expecting too much. First of all its not going to be like the other Terminator movies because those movies took place in the past/present where The Connor's were still running for their lives while simultaneously trying to stop judgement day. This movie takes place in the future, where the world is run by machines and humans have to fight to live, this was never fully explored in the previous movies so OBVIOUSLY the mood of this film is going to be vastly different. Secondly its an action movie, no one sees an action movie for the heartbreaking monologues, NO, you see action movies to see stuff get blown up! Terminator Salvation was leagues above T:3 but Terminator 2 remains the best of the franchise. I give Terminator Salvation 4/5.

I worked.

I worked. I worked back-to-backs shift actually, so I didn't leave work. I was there for 25 hours. Yea I was hella tried to say the least. So I came home, made a cup of tea, and went to 6:30! I woke up at 1:30 this morning to go pee went back to sleep and woke up at 11:30. I guess I was REALLY tired

And that was my least I earned myself a good paycheck.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Smoke Mushrooms

Choose a band or artist and answer these questions using the titles of their songs


1)Are you male or female?
Girl and The Robot

2)Describe yourself

Someone Like me

3)How do people feel about you?
She's so

4)How do you feel about yourself?
Follow my Ruin

5)Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend
Beautiful Day Without You

6)Describe where you want to be

In Space

7)Describe what you want to be

Happy up Here

8)Describe how you live

49 percent

9)Describe how you love

True to life

10)Share a few Words of Wisdom
Only This Moment

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Crystal Method

Here's the ROM in Toronto. I still think its a rip-off of La Louvre en Paris mais it turned out better than I expected and is definitely pushing Toronto into that 'world class' category that all the politicians so desire. I don't know about you but I'd like to keep Toronto all to myself. I hate tourists.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What Else Is There?

I won't lie to you. I love these things. Its kind of like doing MASH in math class, its completely pointless but its fun.

Put your music player on shuffle and answer each question according to the song that comes up!
Easy enough, right?

How does the world see you?

Star Guitar by The Chemical Brothers

Will I have a happy life?
With Every Heartbeat by Robyn

What do my friends really think of me?
Hunter by Bjork

Do people secretly lust after me?
Broken Homes by Tricky

How can I make myself happy?
Golden Skans by Klaxons

What should I do with my life?
You Stole The Sun From My Heart by Manic Street Preachers

Will I ever have children?
Don't Cry Out by Shiny Toy Guns

What is some good advice for me?
We Own the Sky by M83

How will I be remembered?
Lorelei by The Cocteau Twins

What is my signature dancing song?
Nothing Compars 2 U by Sinead O'Connor

What do I think my current theme song is?
Kids With Guns by Gorillaz

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Lightsonic by Groove Armada

What song will play at my funeral?
Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie (lol)

What type of men/women do you like?
That Great Love Sound by Raveonettes

What is my day going to be like?
Be Mine by Robyn

Great Weekend!

I went out with a bunch of girls from work to a bar/club. There was a bitch fight in the street and like four squad cars pulled up to deal with them it was like something out of Cops AKA AMAZING. I really enjoyed my Friday night because I hung out with and I got to know some people that I may have never gotten to know on that level had I not imposed myself on Kayla's friday night plans. ALSO they're not weird or jerks, which means we can do this again. OH and we totally talked shit and rubbish the whole time! We did polar bear shots. I drank: Beer, Rum n' Coke, and Jack n' Ginger but amazingly enough I was not drunk. I was happy but not drunk. But I am ashamed to admit that I did smoke 3 cigarettes, ugh so dirty. Anyways after we went out for breakfast and I got home at 4:00am, ROCKSTAR!


I saw my bestestest friend in the whole wide world, Alice! We went for a walk through Edwards Garden's. Then we had sushi for dinner. I had an avocado roll and a spicy tuna roll. We talked about the usual, shared stories, and spend about an hour in my drive way talking about environmentalism, feminism, and the consciousness of a zombie. We're so cool, huh?


I worked and was asked to stay 4.5 more hours, 20 minutes before my original shift had ended. I was miffed to say the least. But I got to work with cool people so that helped.

So all in all it was a good, eventful weekend. Not too much partying, not too much bumming around, just enough of everything: Work, Play, Relaxation. Why can't I do this every weekend?

But next weekend? UGH just shoot me right now please...more on that later.