Monday, June 15, 2009

The Hard Goodbye Pt. 2

So Alice is gone. I wrote her a letter, like actually hand wrote her a letter that I slipped into my copy of World War Z and told her not to read it till after the plane took off. Sentimental? Cheesy? Ok, yea it totally was but all the things I wrote were things she needed to know. To have such a lack of support from her parents, she needed to know what she was doing, was right and not to have ANY regrets or worries. Hopefully my letter gave her piece of mind, because that was its purpose. I know she'll have an amazing time.

Celeste is here! I saw her on Friday. We spent the day in and around the Eaton's Centre because that's a tourist hotspot with Dundas Square and the bronze cowboy. So now its essentially my duty to be tour guide and entertainment organizer which I don't necessarily object to. It will force me to get out this summer and do more than just work and stress about the upcoming school year. I must say though it does not feel as if its been four years since Celeste and I saw each other. I thought it would be awkward because she's the super Sydney club skan- uh go'er and I'm...not. However, we did pick up where we left off: her saying crazy things and me being left flabbergasted. Good relationship, I say!

My summer job is starting up. We're having meetings and trainings and this year we have a new supervisor and with a new supervisor come new changes. She seems nice enough (through emails because we have not met yet) but there are some changes that are a bit perplexing. For one thing, the parents don't need newsletters, its summer camp. I'm sure this is a welcome respite from the constant newsletters and information packages that are sent home with their kids during the school year, AND its not exactly in line with thinking green since we all know where said newsletters will end up. Plus with our camp, we don't necessarily have a plan. That's not to say that we have no idea what we're doing day in and day out but if a particular group of kids can't do a drill or aren't enjoying an activity, I'm not going to force them to do it because that's the plan. Its more of a guide than a plan but we'll see what happens. I'm thinking I'm going to have a lot to say at our meeting on Friday...although she probably won't want to hear it because I missed the first meeting because of my other job and I'm going to miss our last meeting before camp starts because I have my road test that day. I'm sure I'm her favorite already.

Summer, it has arrived

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