Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday Consumerism

The Holiday shopping season has officially begun and while I'd love to be all punk rock and not participate in the Holiday consumerism the pressures of society and the heartbreak and judgement of my loved ones prevents me from doing so...I guess I'm not that punk rock after all.

Also we're in a recession and despite what our governments may say I really don't think we've seen the end or even the worst of it, so spending loads of money on getting your little brother a new PSP for Christmas may not exactly be viable, never fear I am an expert on giving amazing, heartfelt, cheap presents (because I am a student putting myself through school).

Here are my suggestions dearest interwebs do with them what you will but I must say the feedback I've gotten has been 100% positive!

The Mixed Tape or CD

I love making mixed tapes, love, love, LOVE making mixed tapes...errr I mean CDs, haven't made a mixed tape since 1999...Mixed CDs are no longer only for your l'amour toujour, non, it can be for anyone! Either for that person whose musical taste is questionable and you want to introduce them to greener pastures or for a friendship that you think, deserves a soundtrack. To make it even more personal create a original CD cover ( I usually do collages) and add liner notes.

Value For Your Buck: If you're going to do this make sure you do it for multiple people as blank CDs and CD covers do not come in single packs. Also shop at places like Zellers ( I don't endorse the W) they have the same brands as Best Buy or Future Shop but lower prices

Baked Goods
Who doesn't love cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies or gingerbread men? The thing with bakes goods is all about the presentation, once you've baked your cookies hit up the dollar store and buy some cellophane and ribbon to dress up your gingerbread men, add a cheesy poem or funny rhyming couplet and you're good to go!

Value For Your Buck:
This may not be the best idea if your intended receiver is vegan/gluten free/fat free/etc since those ingredients do cost more


BOOKS! Books are a great gift idea, you can give your favourite cousin your favourite book or introduce reading to your best friend whose reading consists of the mazes in the back of a cheerio box. Books are relatively inexpensive, I once got my friend a Yoga Book for women, fully illustrated, over 300 hundred pages, for less than $30, amazing, non?

Value For Your Buck:
Do your research. Know the intended receiver. Know the book(more or less). My friend Amanda and I have decided that our presents to each other are only going to be books and we send each other book lists, after that we have to choose from that list what we will give to each other, so its kind of a surprise but more importantly, neither of us would have wasted our money on books that don't interest us.

Make Your Own Soap

Why should you be spending a gagillion dollars on the body shop and bath and body works when you can make your own soaps and lotions. You can decide whether your soaps and lotions will be nothing but a nice smell or if they actually have exfoliates/moisturizers/nutrients. You can decide the shape, colour, and purpose of your products. Teach Soap is a great resource if you're going to make your own soap.
Value for Your Buck: Once again making your own soap is the kind of present best done if you you want to gift multiple people, maybe you could also give them a mixed CD as well ;)

This is totally not a cop out, ok? IKEA has so many great thing for low prices. A friend just moved into a new apartment? How about some new dinner plates! Your Dad gets cold while watching tv (and you don't believe in snuggies)? then buy him a throw! Your daughter needs a night light? Then buy her a star shaped light to put in her room! Have an aunt you never know what to get? Get her some $10 silver candle sticks!

Value for Your Buck: If you're like me then you LOVE IKEA. When you go in there, have a game plan and stick to it or else you'll be finding reasons why you need that weird shaped paper lamp that only costs $20.

Happy shopping dear interwebs!

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