Monday, July 27, 2009

Poker Face

I am obsessed with this song! I know I'm a little slow on the uptake because this song has been out for a few months now but that's neither here nor there, the point is, this is a good song. Lady Gaga may be pop, she may be top 40, but this song is dance, trance, hip-hop, and electronica. It really is a good song.

Before I was a HUGE music snob, and if it wasn't endorsed by pitchfork, then I wasn't interested (oh the arrogance of youth) but now I've broadened my horizons and listen to all types of music. Everything from Snopp Dogg to Cut Copy; Johnny Cash to LCD Soundsystem; Girls Aloud to Nine Inch Nails. Music is about feeling 'it' whether that's feeling good, feeling sad, or feeling poetic. Music is all about the emotion whether its deep or frivorlious. I think its time people got off their high horses and just be equal opportunity music fans...except for Nickelback that's like the facism of the music world. HA!

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