Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I want I want I want

Currently in employment limbo right now. My regular season job is on a two week summer break. My summer job has been suspended care of, the city of Toronto inside and outside workers' strike. So no money has been coming in for about two months and the money I do have I cannot touch because I have to pay for school in a couple of weeks.

I just had a girls weekend with Celeste, we stayed at a swank downtown hotel, ate out, and went clubbing which included alcohol, taxi fares, cover charges, and tips. Needless to say this past weekend I spent more money than I should have.

So most of the money I do have is in lock down, I only have several hundred dollars to spend until my regular job kicks in (that is if I get the shifts) and I'm saving the remainder of my credit card balance for when I have to buy books for school. So why oh, why did I visit the American Eagle's site today and see things that so desperately want?

Like this prep school blazer

That would look super cute with his sweetheart striped dress

Or shipping is free, for these awesome skinny jeans

Which would look good with this purple striped shirt

Or paired with this military inspired jacket

Accessorized by these kick ass boots from Chinese Laundry

Why do I do this to myself? *sigh* now I'm going to cry myself to sleep. Peace!

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