This is not what I had wanted. Not at all. I just wish that she could be spared from this fucked up shit, she doesn't deserve this.
How the fuck is the other one always 5 steps ahead?
Oh yea, because who would ever guess that a very close friend would betray your trust and use what they know as leverage against you, you wouldn't, would you? But that's exactly what she does, time and time again. The only other person that knows this besides me has been dismissed as a crazy ex-girlfriend.
This hurts and angers me because its hurting one of the best friends that I've ever had.
It may seem that I'm being too clingy, too territorial when it comes to my friends but you must know, I'm not the "cock block friend" by any means. You want to get yours, fine, that's your deal but I'll be damned if you go to his place alone. You can get it on in the next room whatever, wear a condom, please but I'll be watching old movies in his living room. That's what a good friend would do, non?
So as a good friend, I don't want, what can potentially go down, to go down. Its not right. Its not fair, and its completely the makings of a manipulative, vindictive, insecure, psychopath, who over and over again hurts people with little or zero consequence.
If this does go down, there will be consequences! You have to know what you've done is wrong! You have to understand that you've destroyed people! You have to realize that you can't treat people that way!
Same thing over and over. I'm hoping for the best.
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